Profit Producing Blog

Dakota Routh

Founder | CEO

Welcome to the Profit Producing Blog – your go-to hub for all things business, sales, and marketing. I'm Dakota Routh, and I bring 25 years of hands-on experience in the sales and marketing industry. Back in 2010, Google gave me a nod as a top 1% small business advertiser for lead and sales generation using Google Ad's. In 2023, I was awarded the SaaSpreneur Award. It was a great addition to my 2 Comma Club award for raking in a cool million through one single sales funnel.

But it's not just about awards – it's about sharing real-world insights. Hosting the "Profit Producing Activity (PPA) Podcast" is my way of giving you a front-row seat to the ever-evolving world of business and entrepreneurship.

I've turned all my knowledge and experiences into several blog articles, which you'll see below. As you dive into these blog articles, I hope that you find value in each article. If you have any questions, please reach out to my team by using the chat widget in the bottom right hand corner.

So, buckle up and get ready to glean some knowledge. These blog articles aren't just about my journey; they're about helping you carve your own path in the world of sales, marketing, and business innovation. Let's make some moves together!

Drip campaign

7 Email Drip Campaigns To Increase Mortgage Closings

January 31, 20247 min read

What is an Email Drip Campaign?

Imagine watering a plant, giving it just the right amount at the right times, ensuring its growth. An email drip campaign is much like that. It’s a series of pre-written emails sent automatically based on specific timelines or subscriber actions. Sounds robotic? It’s anything but! 

Campaign 1: Welcome Series

It’s like meeting someone at a party. Your welcome email sets the tone. Be friendly, be informative, be memorable.

Crafting the Perfect Welcome Email

Remember your first day at school? The nerves? Make your subscribers feel at ease. Introduce yourself, your mission, and perhaps, share a personal story or two. Who doesn’t love stories, right?

Campaign 1 – Example 1 “Warm”

Subject: Welcome to [Your Mortgage Company Name] – Your Home Journey Begins!

Hey there,

Welcome aboard! 

I’m [Your Name], your friendly mortgage guide. Remember your dream of that cozy little house with a backyard or that urban condo with a skyline view? We’re here to turn that dream into reality. But before we dive in, here’s a little about me: I’m a coffee lover, weekend hiker, and your biggest cheerleader on this home-buying journey.

Stay tuned. We’re in this together!

[Your Name]

Campaign 1 – Example 2 “Welcoming”

Subject: Jumping Into Your Home Journey with [Your Mortgage Company Name]!

Hey there,

A warm welcome to you! 

It’s [Your Name] here, ready to guide you through the maze of mortgages. Imagine that dream home of yours – whether it’s that suburban house with a white picket fence or a chic urban apartment. We’re here to help make that a reality. A quick thing about me: I’m a tea enthusiast, love my dog Max, and am super excited to be a part of your home journey.

Stay with us. We’re in it together!

[Your Name]

Campaign 2: Educational Series

Mortgages can be tricky. Your subscribers are thirsty for knowledge. Quench their thirst with bite-sized, digestible chunks of information. Charts, infographics, maybe even a meme or two – make learning fun!

Campaign 2 – Example 1 “Informative”

Subject: Mortgages 101: Unraveling the Myths

Hey [Subscriber’s Name],

Mortgages can feel like a maze, right? But guess what? You’re not alone. Today, let’s debunk some myths together.

Myth 1: The lower the interest, the better? Not always! Sometimes, lower rates come with hidden fees. Always read the fine print!

Keep an eye out for our next email, where we’ll tackle another mortgage mystery. And hey, questions? Just hit reply.

To more learning,
[Your Name]

Campaign 2 – Example 2 “Clarifying”

Subject: Demystifying Mortgages: Unpacking the Basics

Hello [Subscriber’s Name],

Ever felt that mortgages are complex? You’re not the only one. Let’s simplify things together, shall we?

Fact 1: It’s a myth that the lowest interest is always the best. Sometimes, there might be hidden charges lurking. Be sure to understand the details!

Stay tuned for our next mail, where we delve deeper. And remember, I’m just an email away if you have any questions.

Happy learning,
[Your Name]

Campaign 3: Testimonial Showcase

Hearing someone else’s success story can be just the push a potential client needs. Showcase your star clients, their journeys, and how you were pivotal in their success.

Campaign 3 – Example 1 “Inspirational”

Subject: Sarah’s Dream Came True. Yours Can Too!

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

Sarah, like many of us, dreamt of a beachfront house. With a bit of guidance and the right mortgage plan, she’s now waking up to ocean sounds. 

“Working with [Your Company] made the complex simple. I’m not just a homeowner; I’m living my dream!” – Sarah

Your dream home is waiting. Let’s make it happen!

[Your Name]

Campaign 3 – Example 2 “Uplifting”

Subject: Meet John: From Dreaming to Homeowning!

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

John dreamt of a home near the mountains. With some guidance and the right mortgage, he’s now enjoying those mountain sunsets.

“Navigating mortgages with [Your Company] was a breeze. I’m not just a homeowner; I’m living my best life!” – John

What’s your dream? Let’s make it come true!

Best wishes,
[Your Name]

Campaign 4: FAQ Series

There’s no such thing as a dumb question. But there are frequently asked ones! Anticipate these questions, and drip them answers.

Campaign 4 – Example 1 “Helpful”

Subject: Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Hello [Subscriber’s Name],

One question we often hear is: “Do I need a 20% down payment?” Short answer? No! There are numerous plans with lower down payments. We’re here to find what’s best for you.

Stay curious, and keep those questions coming!

[Your Name]

Campaign 4 – Example 2 “Engaging”

Subject: Tackling Your Top Mortgage Questions!

Hello [Subscriber’s Name],

One frequent question we get is: “Is a 20% down payment mandatory?” In a nutshell? No! There are numerous options available, and we can help you find the best fit.

Keep those questions coming!

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Campaign 5: Loan Update Series

Who doesn’t like to be in the know? Keep your subscribers updated on the latest loan rates, market trends, and more. Knowledge is power!

Campaign 5 – Example 1 “Informative”

Subject: Hot Off the Press: Latest Loan Rates!

Hey [Subscriber’s Name],

Want to be in the know? Here are this week’s top loan rates. Whether you’re considering a new mortgage or refinancing, we’ve got you covered.

Remember, it’s not just about the rates. It’s about the right plan. Let’s chat?

Until next time,
[Your Name]

Campaign 5 – Example 2 “Current”

Subject: Fresh Updates: This Week’s Loan Rates!

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

Want the latest scoop? Here are this week’s trending loan rates. Whether you’re thinking about a fresh mortgage or considering refinancing, we’re here to guide.

Always remember, the best decision is an informed one. Fancy a chat?

Until our next update,
[Your Name]

Campaign 6: Special Offer Announcements

Have a new offer? Or a limited-time discount? Your email list should be the first to know. Make them feel special; after all, they are!

Campaign 6 – Example 1 “Exclusive”

Subject: Exclusive Offer Just For You!

Hello [Subscriber’s Name],

Because you’re special to us, we’re offering an exclusive mortgage consultation FREE for the next 48 hours. Yes, you heard right! Let’s dive deep and find the best path for you.

Grab this before it’s gone!
[Your Name]

Campaign 6 – Example 2 “Urgent”

Subject: Limited-Time Offer Awaits You!

Hey [Subscriber’s Name],

As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering a complimentary mortgage consultation for the next 72 hours. Surprised? It’s all because you’re valued!

Snap this up before it’s too late!
[Your Name]

Campaign 7: Personalized Check-ins

Ever had a friend check in on you just because? That warm, fuzzy feeling? Give that to your subscribers. A simple “how’s your home search going?” can go a long way.

Campaign 7 – Example 1 “Caring”

Subject: Just Checking In, [Subscriber’s Name]

Hey there,

It’s been a while since we chatted. How’s your home search going? Remember, whether it’s answering questions or providing guidance, I’m here. Your dream home is just around the corner.

Hoping to hear from you,
[Your Name]

Campaign 7 – Example 2 “Personal”

Subject: How’s the Home Search, [Subscriber’s Name]?

Hi there,

Time flies, doesn’t it? Just wanted to check in and see how things are going on your end. If you have any queries or need any guidance, remember, I’m here for you. Your dream dwelling awaits!

Hope to hear from you soon,
[Your Name]

Tips for Crafting Engaging Emails

Addressing Pain Points

Put yourself in your subscriber’s shoes. What keeps them up at night? Address it, solve it, be their hero.

Using Persuasive Language

Words are powerful. The right ones can make all the difference. Craft your emails like you’re speaking to a friend, advising them. Be genuine, be persuasive.


Bringing It All Together

The power of connection can’t be understated. And what better way to connect than by being a consistent, informative, and warm presence in someone’s inbox? Remember, every email is an opportunity. An opportunity to connect, to inform, to convince. Use it wisely, and those mortgage closings? They’ll just be the cherry on top!

By incorporating Level Up Pipeline into your marketing strategy, you can centralize and optimize your customer engagement processes. The platform's customizable templates and workflows cater to the unique needs of your business, providing a user-friendly experience. Efficiency is key in today's competitive landscape, and Level Up Pipeline empowers businesses to manage all aspects of their customer interactions seamlessly.

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Dakota Routh

I'm Dakota Routh, an American entrepreneur, author, speaker, and internet personality. I'm the founder of Level Up Pipeline, a company that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses grow their sales. I'm also the author of three books, "Secrets of Social Media Marketing," "The Social Game," and "Grow Your Influence(rs)."

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